-Re-wrote most of the code. Why? Drumroll please...-An actual in-game spawn menu!-Easier spawning. Now you don't have to run away when something is spawned near you! Ability to offset monsters/stalkers in-game, in four directions.-Minor re-balancing of cut-out monsters. Yes, I know some are too powerful or too weak. The reason behind this is that their statistics were unfinished by GSC, leaving modders to improvise.-Fixed some Cat sounds. >_>
What is it? Helios Mod is a collection of scripts for spawning artifacts, armour, weapons, ammo, quest items, monsters, and stalkers. Everything else is either for the cut-out monsters or the menu. If you don't want them, please download an earlier version of this mod. It's not that simple for me to redo the whole menu just to remove the monsters.
Stalker Console Commands Spawn Items
How does it work? Helios Mod is enabled through the main menu. If items are spawned, they will go directly inside Scar's inventory. If a monster/stalker is spawned, it will spawn according to the co-ordinates you enter into the location console included in the menu. If you don't enter anything, it will spawn right near you.
6) If you want to spawn items, simply click the button of the items you want to spawn. For an NPC, enter co-ordinates into the location console in the middle of the menu. The four directions you can spawn a monster/stalker is north, south, east, and west. If you're confused, refer to the PDA map (Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is always North) for directions. You only have to enter the first letter of the direction, so "N" for north, "S" for south, "E" for east, and "W" for west. Hint: Use the phrase "Never Eat Soggy Waffles" to remember the compass, because it goes clockwise. Then enter a number to indicate the number of units you would like to offset by from Scar. Remember, the direction and number have to be seperated by a comma. Examples: (N,10), (e,50), (S,2), etc.
8) That's it! Either items have been spawned in your inventory or an NPC according to given co-ordinates. REMEMBER: To return to the game from the Spawn Menu, either by clicking button "Quit" or pressing ESC.
Known Bugs: If you spawn an NPC on a weird place, like a fence or tree, the game WILL crash/freeze. This is because monsters/stalkers are not configured to walk there! Only spawn them on the ground, roofs, watch-towers, etc. If an NPC is not being spawned, this means you're trying to spawn it inside a wall or water. Simply change the co-ordinates. If the game crashes while loading or something else, I cannot fix it because Clear Sky is unstable by itself.
EDIT: NVM, found guide on debug mode. Nice to see that a system has been built in. If you yourself are here out of curiosity, wanting to know how to spawn items in Anomaly.. Debug mode can be activated from the Anomaly Launcher, it's a checkbox. Press escape after you load a game, bottom left corner of pause menu screen should have instructions. 2ff7e9595c